Eastern Region Ringette Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Expulsion / Suspension Reporting


Coach's Obligation to Report Major or Expulsion Penalties

Following any game in which an Expulsion penalty is assessed, the Head Coaches of both teams are required to report the occurence to the Regional G&T Coordinator within 24 hours of the game, or prior to their team's next game if earlier.  This requirement applies to all games including exhibition, league or tournament (including any of local, out-of-region or out-of-province events) in which any of the following occurs:
  • Misconduct Penalty - #15 on game sheet
  • Match Penalty - #18 on game sheet
  • Excessive Penalties:  10 or more minutes against a single player or 30 or more minutes against a team
  • Expulsion of any player or bench staff member for any reason.

Coaches must report any such incidents by email to gt_coord@easternregionringette.ca within the deadlines above. 

Failure to report these penalties as required can result in the head coach receiving the same suspension as the player, a two game suspension (for excessive penalties for the team) or a fine of $500.

Note:  Eastern Region does not currently require non-expulsion Major penalties (code 16 or 17 on the game sheet) to be reported however all expulsions including excess penalties must be reported.

Note:  As of September 2017. any 4 minute full-served penalty that cannot be completely served prior to the completion of the game will carry over into a one game suspesion for the following game.  This rule has been suspended (i.e. not applied) by RO as of 2022.

Suspension Tracking

Whenever a player or bench staff is serving a suspension, this must be noted on the gamesheet for each game played by the team during the suspension.  The individual's name should be struck out with a note similar to "Suspended: Serving Game 1 of 3" etc.  A scan or photograph of each gamesheet must be sent to gt_coord@easternregionringette.ca as soon as practicable following the game.  A person who has been suspended may not resume participation until notified by G&T that the requirements of the suspension have been fulfilled.


On-Ice Offical Reporting of Expulsions

The on-ice official assessing an expulsion penalty (match or misconduct) or who observes excess player or team penalties must submit the on-line Match/Misconduct form (http://ncrrl.on.ca/erra/discipline_incident_report.shtml) as soon as practicalble following the game.  Please see the Match/Misconduct Form Page under Officiating for details.




Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations


In the Spring of 2007, an Ad Hoc committee was formed under the joint umbrella of ERRA/NCRRL to review overly aggressive play in the region. After the initial discussions, three areas were identified as requiring further review and discussion:

Reporting and tracking of serious or major penalties (ie: match and misconducts)
Tracking individual penalty minute totals and setting acceptable thresholds for age groups
Tracking team penalty minute totals and setting acceptable thresholds for age groups

Reporting and tracking of serious or major penalties

The ERRA RIC has posted a new form on the ERRA web site that allows referees to report match/misconduct penalties immediately after their games. It is recommended that this report (regardless of whether it is an Open, LERQ, or NCRRL game) be automatically sent to the following people.

ERRA Games & Tournament Coordinator
NCRRL Statistician
NCRRL President
NCRRL Discipline Chair
All Age Level Convenors
Respective Association President of the team assessed the penalty

The process for reviewing these major penalties is outlined below.


Discipline and reviews to be conducted along existing lines of administration: all tournament, Open, or LERQ games are the responsibility of ERRA. NCRRL will be responsible for their league and play-off games.
If a discipline committee hearing is required, the player or team official appearing before the hearing panel is not permitted to participate in a sanctioned game until the review process is complete and all assessed penalties and supplementary discipline, if applicable, has been served.
The person who has committed a match or misconduct penalty is not permitted to play (or be on the bench) in a league, tournament or exhibition game until the review process is complete and all assessed penalties and supplementary discipline, if applicable, has been served.
Should it be determined that a formal hearing is required, the ERRA Discipline Committee or NCRRL Discipline Chair will call upon three to five objective members from a common pool within the region to form the review panel. Also to be included should be the RIC (ERRA or NCRRL) or their designated representative.
Discipline thresholds, both for a team and an individual, are subject to annual review. Any changes will be posted on the ERRA/NCRRL web sites.
An automatic review and possible formal hearings will occur, in all cases, when the following has occurred:
In the same playing season (including tournaments, play-off or exhibition games), a player or bench staff is assessed
    i) Any match penalty
    ii) Any misconduct penalty. As per ORA rules any misconduct penalty carries over a suspension of the next regularly scheduled game
    iii) In any single game a player accumulates 10 minutes of penalty time. As per ORA rules the player is ejected from the game and serves a suspension of the next regularly scheduled game
    iv) iv) During the season accumulation of 40 minutes in total penalties, compiled in any manner, during league play only
League convenors will make every reasonable effort to advise team coaches and respective association presidents when they have a player or team official that has reached thirty total penalty minutes.

Team Thresholds

In addition to the individual regulations outlined above, there are also team thresholds.
The level convenor will contact any team if both of the following two conditions are met:

  The team in question is averaging more than 10 pim per game, and
  The team in question is averaging 50% more pim than the mean for the division.

NOTE: NCRRL Discipline Chair will be responsible to carry out random spot checks to ensure that level convenors are correctly calculating pim totals and teams are being evaluated as per the guidelines and the schedule set out below.

Suggested Procedure

Step 1: League level convenors will review team pim totals on a regular, agreed upon basis (November 1st, December 1st, February 1st, March 1st) and red flag any team that is exceeding acceptable league guidelines either by 10 pim or more per game, and surpassing their division pim average by more than 50%.

Step 2: If a team exceeds on both qualifiers, the level convenor will contact the team coach by e-mail and c/c the respective association president. The convenor will ask that precautionary action be taken to reduce the number of penalties and avoid any possible discipline from the league. The convenor will follow-up as per the prescribed schedule.

Step 3: Upon the next review, if the team in question has not dropped down below the acceptable levels, under both qualifiers, the respective coach and president will be required to meet with the league discipline committee. Present at this meeting should be the league discipline chair, three members of the discipline pool with no conflict of interest, the level convenor, the team coach and association president. At this meeting the league will seek reasons why this team has accumulated so many pim, suggest ways to curb this behavior and outline possible repercussions if it is not done. Minutes of this meeting will be recorded and e-mailed to the respective coach and association president.


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